The View From Opoutere

The Walkway Is Complete

TCDC’s Garry Towler, Area Manager for Whangamata, is pleased with the completed walkway along the foreshore between Bruce’s Bay and the grass reserve near Kapakapa Rd.

The surface of the walkway feels a little soft at present but it is made of Gap20 that will harden up significantly over time. Plants will also be supplied to further enhance the walkway.

There is quite a lot of rubbish that has been unearthed by the works but it should disappear over time if everyone could pick up a piece or two and pop it in the household rubbish for collection.

Any thoughts or concerns can be relayed directly to the Whangamata TCDC office, ph: 07 8650060.

Walkway Update

In early 2014 the Whangamata Community Board voted to proceed with a proposed walkway along the foreshore of Opoutere Rd. The walkway is planned to run between Bruce’s Bay and the grass reserve by Kapakapa Rd.

In mid-May a large pile of rocks in Bruce’s Bay reserve indicated that something was about to happen! Over the next few days the rocks had been placed to widen the edge of the road and compacted metal placed adjacent to the road tarmac. It may appear that the work has stalled just beyond the bend in the road opposite Wharekawa Place, but Garry Towler, TCDC’s Area Manager for Whangamata, assures the community that the main contractors, Walkway Solutions, are due back in Opoutere very soon and that the job will be completed by the end of June.

Thanks to Val Herbert for posting photos onto the Facebook page, I have added them here.ImageImageImageImage